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     My Music

Where words are powerless, the more eloquent language-music appears fully armed.
Suddenly, in a most unexpected way, the grain of the future work appears, this grain takes root with incomprehensible speed and force, appears from the ground, then sprouts a stem, leaves, twigs and, finally, flowers
Bliss overwhelms me when the main thought appears and when it begins to grow. You forget everything, you become like a madman, you barely have time to outline sketches, one thought catches up with another, but sometimes in the middle of this magical process someone suddenly calls... these breaks are hard.

Faded Sandpaper

One of my favorite composers, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, described his creative process with such insight. I consider him to be one of the greatest melodists in history. His melodies enchant, delight, and inspire, overflowing with beauty and depth. The artistry in his music is simply stunning and never fails to amaze.

I resonate deeply with the "creative sweet flours" that Tchaikovsky described. It’s what happens when you tune into a wave of creativity, not knowing where it will take you—sometimes it’s calm and gentle, other times wild and stormy. In those moments, time seems to stand still, and when it does, we momentarily escape the passage of time itself. That’s why it’s so important to do what brings you joy, to lose yourself in the flow of creativity. The key is ensuring no one disturbs or interrupts that magic.

This is exactly what happened with my "Symphony of Feelings." It began with a theme-idea, fueled by emotions, and then evolved into a full symphony of senses. Once that creative wave started, it was impossible to stop. Eventually, everything materialized into images, leading to the fascinating process of creating a video sequence to accompany the music.


01 Symphony of Feelings
00:00 / 07:19
Faded Sandpaper

​Inspiration is from the latin word inspirare or inspiritus which means 'to draw air into the lungs' , 'To breathe into' , 'To breathe in spirit' or simply put, to be alive.
Inspiration is the direct alignment of ourselves with Spirit. To inspire ourselves and others' connection to Spirit is needed.

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